Monday, August 1, 2011

"arms high and heart abandoned"

Tonight God really challenged me.  I was at Tehillah and we were singing The Stand, a song I have song a million times.  The bridge of the song says "I stand with arms high and heart abandoned," and I was standing there singing with my arms high, but God spoke to me and said, "is your heart really abandoned to me?"  It might seem like a straightforward question but it rocked me tonight.   It got me thinking about what it means to have an abandoned heart.  I have so many things in my life that I have not yet surrendered to God and if I want to follow him with my whole heart then that means giving him my whole heart.  God was really humbling me and amidst it all I began to feel discouraged.  As I looked at myself, suddenly all I could see was all the things I need to fix in my life and I was a little overwhelmed. But then God moved in me even more.  While going over all of the things I need to do, I realized that it is much too much for me to do on my own strength, but instead of continuing to feel discouraged I began to just feel overwhelmed by God's love and his encouragement.  He began speaking to my heart and telling me that His strength is and always will be enough, and that by his strength I can do anything.  I left the service tonight feeling so fired up and ready to just live by his Spirit and do stuff for God, I feel limitless.  Not sure why I decided to blog this lol.  But tonight was really really good. God is so great :)